we had 2 birthday parties and a studio move.
on saturday morning, bright and early and -30 degrees celsius, c.j., dad, chuck and jeff moved most of the studio. c.j. was at the studio until 2:00 am the night before doing last minute packing and organizing. it was a big job. we are so thankful for the extra help, especially on such a brutal day. they were able to pack it up, move the contents and get back in time for a birthday party for eli which we had at SAIT. we had the space for 3 hours, four 5-pin bowling lanes and a party room. they bowled for an hour, we ate and opened gifts for an hour and then let them bowl it out 'till it was time to leave. the kids had a great time. no score keeping, just throwing that ball down the lanes.
yesterday was c.j.'s 35th birthday. we had a delicious meal at mom and dads. when i asked c.j. what he wanted to eat, he requested mom's swedish meatballs. so we all met together for meatballs and a relaxing evening. a little less action than the party the day before, but it was welcoming as we were all pooped. the food was great and c.j. was in heaven as mom made him 35 individually wrapped cinnamon buns that she froze so he could pull one out at a time for a treat.
i can't believe it is 3 days until christmas. we have had such cold and wintery weather this year. today is the first day off for christmas break and eli and i are building the indiana jones lego that he got for his birthday. we are still in our p.j.'s. it is just too cold to go out for last minute items, too busy at the malls and i am large. low key.