i am looking at my dining table piled with todays tasks. file 2010 files away, make new files for 2011, organize patterns, fold/organize fabric, pay bills, print and laminate eli's emergency contact list, order eli's school pictures, gather items for the advent calendar, vacuum the back hall/organize coat room, etc, etc.... i don't mind doing these things. i enjoy it and i imagine that these "fancy blog folks" also do these mundane things as well, but somehow they conjure up the exciting life that goes with it. OR DO THEY? ..... maybe they are run ragged with all the things they are doing. maybe their kids don't get enough of their attention. maybe their house is a mess. you can't do it all, right? something has to give....
SO. i'm feeling good about all these tasks i accomplished today. because i finished them, it will help us finish out december and ring in the new year smoothly, calmly and organized. i won't be madly filing on december 31st or shoving fabric in every nook and cranny for my space to be nice and clean. i have things ready for the advent calendar, BONUS. the gravel bought in from our boots is gone from the back hall and is not being dragged through the house. i won't be pulled in a million directions.
conclusion: i guess there is more to life than someone else's exciting life. i don't need perfect weather, a flat in paris or reservations at the hippest place in town.
i got my things done today and that is good enough for me.