Sunday, October 1, 2006


i love general conference.

traditionally, we watch conference together as an extended family, with hot coffee cake coming out of the oven at mom and dads, but this year, mom and dad are gone, so this morning i got up and whipped up a coffee cake.
audrey pointed out that we should really call it "conference" cake a few years ago, so when it was ready this morning, we ran downstairs inbetween talks to grab a piece. the three of us stood there, staring at the cake, mouths watering. eli looked at it, looked back at us and said, "whats in this?... jesus?" who knows why he said that, all i can think of is jesus was just on his mind as we were talking about him right before the cake.... who knows....
what i do know is that even though he was coloring while the talks were on, he was listening, and commenting on things he would hear. someone made a comment about love, he turned to cj and said, "hey, i love you too!", a picture of jesus came on, "hey, there is jesus, my older brother."
i was really proud of eli today listening, learning and paying attention to conference. so important.


Stacey Salmon said...

That's so cute. I guess you don't realize how much they are learning until they say little things like that. Give Eli a hug for me!

Alysha Sladek said...

that's great. it's amazing how much they hear and you don't realize it.
we did coffee cake for saturday morning. it's a definate must for conference weekend.

The Back 9 said...

OK IT'S OFFICIAL - it is now conference cake - coffee has got to go. thanks Audrey. Dave - how did the cake work out for you at our place???? give Eli a big one for us - he's cool

The Saunders Family said...

We went out to Mom & Dad's to watch because we couldn't get conference on our TV. I decided to make a big pan of Conference Cake like the rest of you. As you all know the temperature gauge on Mom's oven is kid height, so Carter decided to turn my temperature down to 100 degrees instead of 375 with out telling any one, so I baked away for 35 minutes only to have the buzzer go off and realize that I still had a soup pan baking in the oven, instead of the finished cake. It pretty much recked our Conference Cake experience.

Anonymous said...

Carter didn't mind it. He kept pointing and saying "cake, cake". Audrey was a little upset but not as upset as Dave. Oh well, we'll have to try again in 6 months!