Tuesday, October 21, 2008

music of the day

music is always playing in our house.  

getting elis lunch ready in the kitchen this morning, one of our favourite bands began to play. the innocence mission.  c.j. knew of them long before i ever did {he is the music savvy one}. 
i remember on one of our trips down to l.a., he picked up an innocence mission album called "now the day is over" for eli.  best.  album.  ever.  so tender.  such perfectly selected songs.  just beautiful.   {go buy it}

after eli got off to school, i hopped onto youtube, looking for a perfect innocence mission tidbit to share with you.  i found this gem.  

one of my most very favourite innocence mission songs, "Rowing on the Lakes of Canada" covered by one of my very most favourite singers, Sufjan Stevens.  imagine my surprise!  i yelled up to c.j. telling him of the treasure i had found.  when he came down a few minutes later, he found me sitting at the kitchen table watching and weeping.  hope you enjoy it.

p.s.  the french fellow who filmed the video let's one slip at the very beginning, sorry...

1 comment:

embot said...

I LOVE this version!! Both artists remind me of you and i absolutely love them. This is the perfect fusion song. is it on Itunes? I'm going to go check and download, boo-ya.