sick sissy snoozing
ida did a lot of this at disneyland. the only ride she went on was the peg perego express powered by me.
eli loved this ride so much he talked aaron into going twice, thanks aaron, sorry you got so wet.
i shot this just as we began a rollercoaster type ride in california adventure, was he excited or terrified?!?
blue eyes
little hair clips are working in her hair now
jungle kids
aud-squad the vine queen
stacey + dahl {he looks
so much like you in this picture dee}
brady + lisa
stacey + ty
spinning madly
i have been a tad bit behind these last few days.
poor ida wasn't quite herself on tuesday while we were traveling home and on wednesday morning when she woke up she had watery eyes, a snuffy nose and a sad, sad face. poor dear.
the timing of getting her first cold was perfect, i had a check up for her scheduled for friday. the doctor checked her out, all was well even though she was croupy too. it has been a long few days of snoots, saline solution, kleenex, mucusy barf and sad eyes.
ida is 13 pounds 8 ounces now and 15 weeks old. she looks like a big robust rubber doll when she lays in her onesie. all her limbs are filled out and soft. we love her so much. i almost wish we had 2 of her.
i thought i would post some pics of the end of our california trip.
stacey and aaron and i one day drove up to santa barbara and visited with aunt ruth. she is so awesome. while we were there we found out that a local newspaper had just written an article about her. you can read it
here. she is a pretty inspirational lady.
another day stacey, aaron and i took the kids to disneyland/california adventure. eli was brave and went on some rides that i was nervous about going on {and by the way, that doesn't take much}. it was a good day, we got sunburned, the lines were short and the park wasn't too busy.
our last sunday there, dave and lisa drove up to arcadia with the kids for some cousin time. we took the kids to the park and they played and played. why do kids change and grow so fast? the two most noticeable for me were audrey and brady. audrey seems taller and more mature, like a young women. every time i looked at her i just wanted to give her a big hug and tell her i loved her. babies always change so much, so to see brady with his big eyes and mouth full of teeth was fun.
we had a very nice time on our trip. we didn't see c.j. much and at times i felt like i was on the amazing race, driving in l.a., finding addresses, keeping kids happy, nursing on the 405, early mornings and late nights, meeting new people, making day trips worth it, tasting new food, feeling tired, laughing and crying.
it was good. thanks goes out to family and friends who put us up and drove us around at times. thank you, thank you, thank you.
miss you, xoxo