Friday, July 10, 2009

fluuuuuuuu or not?

eli is sick as a dog.  

we have been up all night with him.  terrible stomach cramping every 10 minutes.  we have chucked 2 pairs of underwear, some pj bottoms and a couple socks.  they were unsavable.  at least he isn't puking.  c.j. is in town right now getting some flu supplies...  kind of can't tell if he has food poisoning or the flu.  i know they are different, but produce the same result?  

so tired.  hope ida doesn't get it.  blah.


Stacey Salmon said...

that sucks. Hope he gets better

Anonymous said...

Now that we can't pop by anymore, when are you guys coming over?

Anonymous said...

One more thing, hope you didn't pack your dvds too deep. Need season 2 of extras and maybe a few others.

please and thanks

embot said...

Hello, my favorite people of all time! I miss you guys and have obviously been out of it because i've missed the last few posts and all your glorious pictures. perfection. I can't believe your house is packed. In fact I was going to call you today and wish you a happy July 10th, its-seriously-official-now day!

I'll call you tomorrow! XO {big kiss, big hug}