Friday, November 27, 2009

add it to the menu...

yeah, no pictures tonight. i have shots to share, but they are on 3 different cameras and unfortunately i am too lazy to download them this very second.

we participated in another food trial this week. i had a good feeling about PEARS and indeed, no reaction. she even seemed interested in eating them, which, was just like heaven. no tears, no struggling, no problems. still a bit apprehensive, but she did open wide for a couple of bites, just like she was a eating pro! ya-hoo!

on tuesday we are going to try wheat, which i have to say, i am worried about. i think she will have a reaction. they think we need to rule it out. problem is, we have to try everything and inevitably there will be some things that work and others that don't. i just really don't like the reaction to the things that don't work {and neither does ida}.

i have found that i am really drained when i get home on these trial days. just emotionally and physically drained. it didn't ever cross my mind that i would feel this way, but i am finding that this is happening. i was much better prepared this week than last week. i packed a lunch, brought my journal to catch up on, tucked away some toys for ida. it all went smoothly.

things are slowly getting accomplished at our new house. the basement is coming along, not on schedule, but it is getting there. c.j. will be able to move his studio equipment in by wednesday or thursday of next week. the rest of the house is being put away. there are some things that are still missing, like our winter coats {HELLO! we are cold}, the main base for our cordless phones and some essential pieces to ida's crib... which we will be trying to get ida to sleep in {wish me luck with that task, as you know she still nurses all night long.... can't they just make a crib big enough for the both of us, OH YA, it's called a BED}.

we had parent/teacher conferences this morning. eli has such a nice teacher. things are well and eli is doing terrific at school. good kid.

we went to "fantastic mr. fox" this evening. it was fantastic. wes anderson is fantastic.

i am falling asleep sitting up. it is a sign, good night.


Anonymous said...

We are all so excited that she likes pears. It was like Christmas on Thanksgiving. It was fun visiting with Elder Salmon.
LV Mom

Lisa said...

SOOOO happy that pears is a go! Can't wait to see pictures of the house!

Erin said...

Good choice Ida! Pears are delish! Good luck with all her tests - she's such a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Yay for pears! Thanks for the update. we miss you guys tons can't wait for the christmas pic. I guess we should start thinking about that now that it's december in a day.

big X's and O's to all of you.