Thursday, January 12, 2006

make a list - you'll feel better

so, i have these really nifty "TO DO" pads that i bought when i was in las vegas. (make a list - you'll feel better).

you will never know how this "TO DO" pad has revolutionized my life. for some reason, i get completely overwhelmed in the mornings, thinking, i need to do this, i need to call so-and-so, i need to finish that.... and by the time the day is over. nothing, nada, nothing and there i am sitting on the couch like a slobbering fool. accomplishing nothing. then i wake up the next day and go through the same routine, except there is a whole other day i have to add on to the crap i had to do the day previous. (i am sure you get my point).

SO, today, i made a list. (make a list - you'll feel better). lets see, hmm, mail package to emily, get new drivers licence, go to bank, call visiting teacher ladies-make appointments, return lynksis system to staples and buy proper equipment, get new pass at tuscany club, do laundry......
guess what, IT GOT DONE! (make a list - you'll feel better) how do you like that, it all was accomplished AND i got the satisfaction of crossing all those pesky little tasks off my list.

now, i know that many of you are shaking your heads, because perhaps you ALWAYS get things done and who needs a list when your brain is working for you. well, we are all not 100% all of the time, so give it a try! like it says at the bottom of my nifty "TO DO" pad, make a list - you'll feel better.


The Back 9 said...

good on ya - only way to get things done. every day and you will be surprised at what you get done

Stacey Salmon said...

I love making lists. I only do it once in awhile, but my day always seems more satisfying at the end of the when I do. I should get a notepad.

The Saunders Family said...

Good idea Jess. I am sure Lisa would love a cool To-Do list pad.