sunday. our ward starts at 9:00am this year. i have to be there early to set up all the classrooms and primary room, so we aren't scrambling during sacrament meeeting, which means i need to be up by 7:00 to get ready and to be there by 8:30. this probably sounds dumb, but i haven't been up early in a long time, i usually wake around 8:00-8:30, so that extra hour was a shocker. it shouldn't be, but it was today.
don miller spoke in sacrament mtg today. it was a great talk, all about reverence. it wasn't your typical "let's be quiet in the hallways, keep the kids quiet in sacrament meeting" talk, it focused more on having a reverent attidude not only at church but also through your daily walk. it was a really great perspective, talking about if we can have that reverent attitude, we can be more likely to feel the promptings of the holy ghost. isn't that true. there is ALOT of NOISE out there throughout the week (music, schedules, obligations, fashion, etc...) that can keep us buzzing so loud you can't hear the promptings of the holy ghost and keep things in perspective. but if we have an attitude of reverence we can feel grounded and have a home of order and control.
it was really a great talk, i was telling cj about it and we'll make the prediction now, but we think he will be the next stake president. time will tell....
i really like sunday nights. it is so quiet and peaceful, everyone is kind of tired and mellow and it is ready to start a new week. i am listening to a really great album right now, it is by "The Innocence Mission" called "Now the Day is Over". Such pretty and tender music, all old lullabys and classic songs that are sure to put you in a relaxed state. how nice. (if you want a copy, let me know, would love to pass it on).
eli and cj have been playing games ALL DAY. as i have been writing this entry they have been building with LEGO. every few minutes, eli cruises in with an elephant, or a person, or his name that they have built. so i am including a picture of them having fun. good times with dad.
I love sundays too. They are so relaxing. Your couch looks nice!
i love sundays also. time to rest from busy things, time to reflect, time to organize the next week. i agree i think Don will be the next SP
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