Wednesday, February 1, 2006

it has begun

holy crow, they called me today! the ivf clinic called today and we are ready to start our treatment on valentines day! who-ho!
when they called this morning, i got really nervous and excited and scared and happy. i think that i would feel the same way if i won the lottery, just alot of emotions and thoughts and stuff. kind of like how hurley felt in LOST, like nothing will be the same again..... (i threw that in for all you nerd LOST-ITES) but now, i feel fine and i think all will be well.
i start a nasal spray on the 14th and if all goes well, i will start injections march 1st, egg retrevial march 12, they'll put the embryos back in by the 17th and we will know if we are pregnant by the beginning of april!?! huh?!? it is so crazy, just one big time line. it seems so simple. we will see how it plays out!


The Saunders Family said...

Let me be the first blogger to say cool, awesome, neat......! I am really excited for you guys and hope that all goes as planned. Valentines is a special day you know. "I will pray for you and your treatments".


Stacey Salmon said...

Jess that is so excited!!!! I am so happy for you guys. I hope all goes well also. Your in our prayers! Love ya!

The Back 9 said...

waht a wonderful way to start the new year. Eli will be a great brother - he will be able to read every stroy and even tell stories. Congrads
we love you guys

Saunders Family said...

We're so excited for you guys!! keep us up to date on the latest. We love you guys and hope that all goes well.


nena said...

hope all goes well and you have like three of five kids at once how fun would that be! just kidding one or two would be perfect. good luck! were praying for you.