Monday, September 14, 2009

hornet bites, hair cuts & house hunting stories

brad "wonder woman" cook

getting fixed up
mangy dog bites

some finished blocks for my circle quilt, coming along...
post hair cut
new do!
happy girl
pre hair cut with the morning sun in her eyes. i just love that squishy face.
happy little star needed a hair cut
big hornet bite on the really big toe
aunt marilyn, aunt allyson & aunt ruthanne = merv, ally & fan. i love these ladies. they are my dads sisters.

today was weird and eventful.

*eli asked me if he could be a hunter when he grows up. then he asked me what my favourite secondary colour was. i told him it was green. he then told me his big toe still hurts. a hornet bit him yesterday at a fun family function. he held it together, but i could tell it really hurt...

*i got message from c.j.'s mom saying she had received a call from a woman named "rachel" who found c.j.'s iphone while she was out on a walk. huh?? so i called the woman, she said that she had gotten ahold of c.j. and he was picking his phone up as we spoke. o.k???.... within minutes of that conversation, c.j. called me and said they {he and brad, our incredibly awesome realtor} had accidently let a dog out of a house they were looking at. apparently c.j. and brad ran around the neighbourhood for a long time after this dog and while c.j. was scrambling around in the bushes he lost his phone. once they caught the dog, brad tried to get it back in the house when it decided to go to town on his arms. so, they were on their way to the emergency room. {i am sure i am leaving so many ridiculous details out of this story, c.j. will have to clarify or re-tell at a later date.} poor brad. i felt so bad when i heard this news. the dude is a trooper/machine though. after the hospital visit they had some lunch and continued the house hunt. they even found a house that we really like and are going to put an offer on. talk about going the extra mile...

*i cut idas hair today. i am sure you will see in the pictures her hair was getting a bit out of control and silly looking. one long, scraggly patch on top only spells "comb-over", so i snipped it off with some kitchen shears. she looks like a whole new little woman. apparently c.j. also shaved his head while he has been away so the only one in the family without a new fresh do is eli. we will take care of that tomorrow.


Bethany said...

What a day! Love the quilt, love Ida's new do, poor Brad, and good luck on the house!

Stacey Salmon said...

That is crazy about Brad. Ida looks so cute with her new hair cut.

C.J. Burton said...

Ida is dang cute. Either as a long brunette or a short blond.

embot said...

I didn't understand the crazy dog story you were talking about this morning. NOW i get it, ha ha.

good luck with the house. please move here asap so i can kiss idas perfect baby cheeks!

sandra said...

Jess i LOVE the picture of ida in her star jacket! she looks SO stink'n cute!!! the circles look GREAT can't wait to see them all put together!

Maja said...

Holy Cow Ida is soooo cute!!!! I love the CHUB! And that is the craziest realtor story... poor guy! Glad that you guys may have found a house though, I bet not more than your realtor...!