Monday, May 17, 2010

boldly going where no man has gone before, at our house

my little bat woman

out. cold. night 2.

i am laying in bed. alone.


this is night #2 of this arrangement, something that left me a bit sad and teary last night as i listened to her cry, peaked in to watch her fall asleep clutching the crib rails and found her in a face-down-pile snoozing away. i wanted to wipe her tears and snooty nose, lay her on her back, get her comfortable, pry her last remaining hand off the crib bars and just plain rearrange "the scene", but i didn't. i didn't dare bother the slumbering babe.

she did it. she went to sleep on her own.

now, i have to admit, i did check on her every 20 minutes to see if she was o.k. as we didn't have a monitor on her and she did wake at around 3:00 am at which time c.j. went and got her and brought her back into bed with us. {he complains about her sleeping with us, but deep down, i think he felt a little weird and melancholy going to bed without her there with us last night. come on c.j., admit it. it's not going to kill you.} baby steps, baby steps...

{this post may sound retarded to many of you. so?! ida is in a crib. big deal.}
i guess it is just something very different and a bit of a transition for me and things in general around here.

sooo, tonight when i put ida in her crib, she cried for 2 minutes, then stood and looked around for another 15 minutes until she made the slow sinking transition to sleep. {i set up the monitor to see how she was doing.} good girl. you're doing it! you're a champ!

update: 4:58 am, still asleep, going strong!

update: 7:58 am, continues to saw logs?!?! folks, i am shocked! i am in awe!

update: 9:00 am, Zzzzzzzz


THE WEATHER. the weather has been absolutely insanely amazing for the last few days. the kind of weather that would be the weather in heaven. for real. can i get a witness?


embot said...

Jess! she's so big. aaaahhh. and i LOVE her crib bumper. where did you get it. leave it to you to find the cutest one ever!

Lisa said...

That bedding is just too cute to go to waste. Good job. She''ll be use to it in no time! You'll just have to get lots of snuggles in during the day. The weather said it was like almost 80 there yesterday! Awesome!!

burtons*north said...

remember when i thought i was going to have twins a million years ago when i was all hopped up on fertility meds... and i bought a whack of baby bedding from DWELL. BINGO. it is the turquoise birdy print. i think i gave you a pink geometric set?

sandra said...

ah... ida's so cute!

that picture of her did look a little out of the norm. she's a big girl.

Erin said...

So sweet! I always loved sleeping with my babies too.

The Evansons said...

I to am a "bed-sharer". Who wouldn't want to snuggle up to a chunky sweet smelling baby at night? And AMEN to the weather, it's been really nice here too!

Catherine Dabels said...

It's ridiculous how delicious that baby is.