Wednesday, January 14, 2009


yesterday i received a letter from  palm springs.  
it was from aunt yvonne, another one of great grandma wood (ida's) daughters.  it was a two-parter, some written at christmas and some written just after the new year.  it was just as touching and enlightening as the notes and cards sent by aunt betty and aunt ruth.

an excerpt:  

"Mother IDA lived for her family, her church and her community.  She was a good and thoughtful neighbour.  She was a DO-er and her life was a life of accomplishment.  As she stood and bore testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in later years, she often said, "I just pray that I can endure to the end."  She did endure and she endured with honor.  As I gathered the few things in her hospital room after her death, I felt a surge of wonder and awe for this special woman who was my mother.  A poem of Emily Dickenson kept running through my head.
"The bustle in the house the morning after death
  Is solemnest of industries enacted upon earth,
  The sweeping up the heart, and putting love away
  We shall not want to use again Until eternity."

It's true, but not quite, because, as I get older and experience some of the things mother Ida went through,  my understanding of her and my love for her grows.  It will be a a great day when we all meet in Eternity and have a finer understanding of each other.  Blessings to the new little IDA and may her life be enhanced by the name she will carry."
Love, Aunt Yvonne

at christmas, mom gave gave all the girls in the family beautiful jewelry boxes that she had bought in hawaii.  they are precious petite treasures.  the one i received was a little blue bird. 
mom wrote in her card, "This coming year will be a special one for you. Your joy will be full as little Ida joins your family.  What a blessing to have her come to the family.  We have all been waiting "years" for her and no one more than you have felt this long passage of time.  This little box is meant to be symbolic of my love for you --"The Blue Bird of Happiness" is coming to roost at your home."  love, mom

today, i am thankful for the outpouring of love i am experiencing from family and friends on every level.

my doctors appointment yesterday revealed that things are moving along and ida should be here by the weekend.  paperwork is in place to be induced on saturday if she hasn't come by then (if it is not busy at the hospital that is). 

this news is VERY exciting to c.j., eli and i and made things become VERY real.  
we are on the cusp of something great and couldn't be more happy.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post! Our family is just the greatest. I've always felt like we have some spectacular women in our family to look up to. (I bought a torquoise ring the other day and thought of Aunt Ruth. Grandma Ida had such presence and I have alot of memories of her; in her house in Taber, and quite often with you. We rode our bikes across the church parking lot to visit all the time. I also remember that you could be a little "sassy-pants" to Grandma. Am I right? I could not believe you would dare to sass Grandma Wood! Maybe you were too young to know better! I love that your naming your daughter Ida - she was a wonderful grandma. Lots of Love! Erin

burtons*north said...

wicked, i am so glad you remember me being a little jerk to grandma, we will have to reminisce sometime. i honestly don't remember being that way. yikes.

hogans house said...

The letter and the box are so beautiful! Hannah is named after my great great aunt Hannah who was never blessed with children. I actually own a brass bed that was her's from 1910. Now you just need a little piece of jewelry for Ida to go in it.

Anonymous said...

I'm back again! "Jerk" is too strong a word, girl! Just sassiness - which, by the way, you can expect from your own little Ida in a few years! Sass is a good thing for a girl to have - I always wanted more!
Love ya!

The Evansons said...

What a nice letter! I can't wait to see the little Ida!!

The Evansons said...

What a nice letter! I can't wait to see the little Ida!!